Cole Park - Salem, UTSalem City, Utah has partnered with Big T Recreation to bring you an exciting and imaginative playground at Cole Park! This farm-themed playground is designed to inspire children to play longer, be more active, and let their imaginations run wild.
Playground Features
Contact Big T RecreationNeed a hand with your next playground project? Well, look no further than Taft Egan and the awesome crew at Big T Recreation! We're all about making your playground dreams a reality. Whether you wanna fill out the form below, shoot us an email at [email protected], or simply give us a ring at 801-572-0782, we've got you covered! We're the local playground experts you can trust, ready to help you create a space where endless fun and imagination burst to life. Hit us up today, and let's kickstart your project!
PlayWorld Quito Net Climber
One of the standout features of the Cole Park Playground is the Quito Net Climber from PlayWorld. This innovative climbing structure challenges kids to test their agility, balance, and coordination. The Quito Net Climber is a unique addition that will keep children engaged and excited.
Additional PlayWorld Elements
- Double Decker Cone Spinner: Kids can spin, twist, and have a blast on this thrilling spinning apparatus.
- Zoom Trax: The Zoom Trax adds an element of excitement with its fast-paced racing experience, encouraging children to stay active and have fun.
Imagination and Community Interaction
A themed playground like Cole Park fosters imaginative play and encourages social community interaction among children. The farm theme sparks creativity and allows kids to engage in pretend play, creating memorable experiences and lasting friendships.