Sky Towers®Can you imagine playing in the sky?Sky Towers provide an exhilarating play experience that engages the senses while giving children the thrill of height with the comfort of the enclosure. Sky Towers play events are inspired by wind, light, sound, and rain and were designed to provide children with as much social interaction as possible, giving them the unique opportunity to make new friends while enjoying a bird’s-eye view of the world.
Jude's Tower | $189,500
Hannah's Hideaway | $165,000
Emerson Heights | $164,500
Crimson Sky | $120,000
Lydia's Rainbow | $71,000
Evie's Adventure | $55,500
FeaturesStarScope: It’s a kaleidoscope of color and shapes, sure to inspire star gazing.
Rainbow Chimes: Watch how a rainbow of colors bring beautiful sounds of nature to your playground. Galaxy Spinner: Make your universe spin with this out-of-the-world experience. Disco Spinner: See how the sun’s rays shine off the Disco Spinner onto the rest of your playground. Thunder Drums: Created to connect with the sounds of nature and to inspire your inner musician. Mirrors: Children love to watch themselves and their friends through this reflective surface. |
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