Interactive Play Equipment
Big T Recreation is proud to partner with Yalp Interactive to bring the latest in playground technology to Utah, Idaho, and Nevada.
The rising generation needs a playground expereince so captivating and interactive that it can even rival the video games, T.V., and social media in their lives. Built specifically for heavy outdoor use--perfect for a city park or school, these electronic playsets have already begun to capture the attention of children across the globe. |
Case StudiesInteractive playsets may be new to us, but it isn't new to California, Texas, and Europe. We're excited to bring this new way to play to Idaho, Nevada, and Utah.
Take a look at these case studies to better understand Yalp and interactive play sets and how they could benefit your park or school. |
Playset Products
Sona Play ArchFun | Play | Dance
The Yalp Sona is an interactive Dance & Play Arch. More specifically, it is an audio-guided play set, especially designed for the outdoors. Games are played by motion. It has a motion detection camera on top, which registers the movement of the children on the play floor underneath. As perhaps the most versatile and inclusive interactive play set for young and old, able and disabled.
Memo Activity ZoneInteractive Activity Zone
The Yalp Memo is an exciting and fun play set that gives
kids (and adults) plenty of physical challenge. The game posts with 3600 touch screens give a balanced mix between fun, educational and physical challenges. The games can be picked by pushing the button on the master post in the middle and tapping on the game icon on the screen. Thanks to its built-in wireless internet connection, the games can be uploaded from the gameshop, as new games are developed annually. |
Sutu Ball WallClassic Soccer Goal with a Twist
The Yalp Sutu is an Interactive Ball Wall, containing 16 impact sensitive panels which measure and react to ball impact. Vivid LED lights and audio speakers give players feedback and encouragement on their performance. With more than 10 games available and new games constantly being developed. The ball wall is a perfect low-barrier entertainment device for public areas.
Toro Sports CourtInteractive Sport Court
The Yalp Toro is a colorful field with 4 interactive goals. The goals with LED-lighting and touch-sensitive panels light up and react to (ball) impact. The angled corners and 4 opposite goals maximize fun, high intensity and tactical game-play. These days we find kids behind game consoles. Both kids and adults that practice sports benefit greatly from “playing around” with the ball in fun way. If you change the court, you also change the way users play.
Download Yalp CatalogInteractive playsets are very different than traditional playgrounds--using cutting edge motion detecting cameras and impact sensors to create a truely unique play experience to entice the rising generation. The Yalp catalog is full of helpful statistics, playset descriptions, and specifications. We hope it raises some questions and gets you excited about this amazing product line.
Frequenty Asked Questions
Why interactive sports and play?
Interactive play is the link between the digital and real world. The game world challenges, brings variety, innovation in games. See more here.
Is it really necessary to give kids even more digital entertainment?
An often-heard misconception is that interactive play would be equal to electronic play. But that would be a mistake. Simply adding electronics to a play device does not make it interactive. Read more here.
Interactive sports and play is new, is it fully developed and properly functioning?
The World’s first interactive play set was launched by Yalp in 2006. Meanwhile, interactives such as the Yalp Sona have been placed in over 550 locations worldwide, and have won a great deal of awards. Read more here.
Will the Yalp interactive playsets remain interesting?
The games are developed without any game rules, the children can use their own imagination and create their own rules. Each game consists of several levels, which are more difficult. Read more.
Does interactive play contribute to a healthy lifestyle?
Why can’t our children simply play outside, just like before? Children nowadays are already too much in front of the TV and mobile phone, watching series, playing video games and keeping up with the social media. Read more.
Are the interactive playsets low on maintenance?
Yes, the Interactive playsets are specifically designed for heavy-duty outdoor use and are all-weather proof and developed to withstand the tough conditions outdoors. Read more.
Electronics outdoors, are you sure that’s vandalism resistant?
All interactive playsets are specifically designed for heavy-duty outdoor use. The interactives are all-weather proof and developed to withstand the tough conditions outdoors. All electronic components are housed in a solid steel or concrete construction. Read more.
Are the interactive playsets suitable for larger groups?
Yes especially! Most of the games are developed to be able to play solo, as in groups. Special games are developed for larger groups. These can be accessed through our owners’ online administrator tool. Read more.
Will the interactive playsets cause any noise nuisance in the neighborhood?
The answers is no. The maximum volume and on / off times of the interactive playsets can be set by the administrator. Read more.
Are the interactive playsets interesting for all ages?
Our interactive playsets are developed to fit a certain age group best, nevertheless they are fun for young and old. Read more.
How much power do the interactive playsets use?
The interactive playsets require little power. Read more.
Do the interactives contribute to inclusive play?
All interactive playsets are truly inclusive and are developed to be accessible for children with mental or physical disabilities. Read more.
What is the online my.yalp tool?
The interactive playsets are connected to the internet and therefore remotely controllable. Read more.
Does interactive play fit with every type of recreation or leisure facility?
Interactive play fits everywhere, and tailors to a much larger target audience than anything else out there. Read more.
To what extend can the interactive playset be customized?
Interactive play fits everywhere, and tailors to a much larger target audience than anything else out there. The Yalp interactive playsets are customizable to your specific theme or facility. Read more.
What is the warranty on the interactive playset?
All interactive playsets are provided with a 5 year warranty and service licence. Read more.